Fraud Blocker Fly Tipped Waste Affecting Tenants is Removed - Case Study
0800 668 1268



The problem needing to be resolved

A significant amount of waste was illegally dumped on the grounds of Deeside Industrial Estate, near Chester. The fly tipped waste was affecting tenants and their neighbours, causing complaints and potentially attracting vermin to the site.

Client Benefits

  • Expert operatives quickly identified hazardous waste and removed it safely
  • All fly tipped waste was disposed of correctly and legally at a waste transfer station
  • Site left completely clean for tenants on the same day.

Fly Tip rubbish Removed

Fly tip rubbish removed

The Project

WasteSafe acted quickly to remove a significant amount of waste that had been illegally dumped on the grounds of a large industrial estate near Chester.

The fly tipped waste had to be assessed before removal as it contained everything from general waste to paving stones and rubble. It wasn’t immediately clear whether any of the waste was hazardous.

Two WasteSafe Services operatives carefully and thoroughly identified the hazardous items before removing all the waste securely and disposing of it at a trusted waste transfer station. It took the experienced professionals a day to clear the site, which was left completely clean for the tenants and their customers. Chris MacDonald, Account Director at WasteSafe Services, said:

“This scenario is very common and is our bread and butter. We assessed the site before the team collected and removed the waste. Illegal dumping of waste has to be treated quickly and cautiously. Fly tipping damages the environment and can affect a business’s reputation. Fly-tipped waste also attracts vermin. “We were pleased to be able to get the job done quickly for the customer and the tenants.”

“Chris and the team acted swiftly and professionally from the initial instruction right through to sending us the images of the completed works. We will undoubtedly be calling on their services again in the near future.”

Contracts manager for the customer
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