Fraud Blocker Covid‐19 Guidance and Policy ‐ Working in Private Premises | SafeGroup
0800 668 1268

Covid‐19 Guidance and Policy ‐ Working in Private Premises

The Health and Safety of our staff, our customers and anyone who may be affected by the work that we carry out, is SafeGroup’s Number One priority.

We are always happy to help our customers in their hour of need, but if there is someone in a property who is shielding, self‐isolating or has Covid‐19 symptoms, we will be unable to visit the property. Where this is the case, please help us all stay safe by contacting our office on 0800 668 1268 to reschedule an appointment.

Additional Safety Controls that you can expect from SafeGroup Services Limited before and during a service

When booking in work in private premises, our planners will seek to confirm that there is no‐one in the property who is shielding, self‐isolating or currently has Covid‐19 symptoms. If there is, then the work cannot be booked in, but will be carried out at a re‐arranged time when it is safe for all parties.

In addition to this and on arrival at private properties, our operatives will ask the occupants of the property as to whether any persons are shielding, undergoing a period of self‐isolation in the property or have Covid‐19
symptoms. If the response is‘Yes’, then they will explain that the work will have to be re‐booked and then report that to their Line Manager so the work can be rescheduled in consultation with the occupants/customer.

Our operatives are not permitted to work if they have symptoms or are required to be self‐isolating.

Prior to knocking on the door of the property, all our operatives will put on a face covering and disposable gloves. These will be worn from arriving at the premises until loading equipment back into the vehicles after the job has
been completed. This is apart from where stipulated in our safe working procedures, our operatives may need to replace their face covering with a half‐mask respirator during the course of the work, in order to protect them from work specific risks whilst carrying out certain tasks. All equipment and consumables are wiped over with sanitising wipes both before and after use in the property.

Adam Wilkinson Health and Safety Compliance

Additional Safety Controls that we would ask occupants of a property to observe

Inform our operative if anyone in the property is shielding, self‐isolating or has Covid‐19 symptoms.

During the course of the work, all occupants in the property should remain in different rooms in the property to the rooms where our operatives are working. If we need to work in all rooms of the property, then our operatives
will ask any occupants to move into a different room whilst they work in the room that occupants were occupying. If occupants refuse to do this and do not maintain 2 metres of social distancing whilst moving to
alternative rooms, then they will be informed that we are unable to work in that room/area. This will be noted on our job report.

Occupants will not be asked sign off the job on our IT system, but will be asked if they are satisfied with the work and if they would be happy for our operative to sign off the job on their behalf. If the occupant is not happy with
this, then the operative will still sign the job off on their behalf, but note that this was against the occupant’s wishes.

Please contact the SafeGroup team if you have any questions regarding our Covid‐19 secure procedures.


Adam Wilkinson
Group Health, Safety and Compliance Manager
SafeGroup Services Limited
November 2020

Inform our operative if anyone in the property is shielding, self‐isolating or has Covid‐19 symptoms.