Touchpoint Shield™, from SafeGroup, is an advanced antimicrobial coating that prevents the build-up of bacteria and viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, on both hard and soft surfaces.
Touchpoint Shield™ helps our clients protect their teams and customers against potentially harmful microorganisms, enhancing wellbeing, while significantly controlling cleaning costs.
Read how our antimicrobial coating can help improve hygiene while controlling cleaning costs
Touchpoint Shield™ combines the durability of a nanoceramic coating with the proven anti-microbial power of silver ion technology.
Working together, they form a near-invisible barrier that destroys bacteria and viruses every minute of the day and night.
No other antimicrobial product currently on the market can promise to provide protection as effective and long-lasting.
Laboratory tests have proven Touchpoint Shield™ to be 99.9+% effective against SARS-CoV-2 and a range of bacteria that commonly cause illness.
Field trials have shown clients can reduce high touchpoint cleaning by up to 80% while improving antimicrobial protection.