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How Can Cleansafe Help Save Time With Your Claim

Chris Macdonald - Sales Director - SafeGroup


Chris Macdonald

3 min read

After a big disaster has affected your home or workplace, the last thing you want to do is deal with are insurance firms. Filling out complicated forms, debating ‘acts of god’ and organising surveyors can seem like a monumental task, on top of finding a cleaning and removal company to deal with the problem itself.

We understands this, and we pride ourselves on working with you to help save time on your insurance claim, as well cleaning up your mess. Our experienced and insurance approved team are professionally trained to analyse and calculate the damage and impact of every disaster, and we collaborate with some of the UK’s biggest insurance companies to help our clients get the best result from their claim.

How CleanSafe works

Once you make your call to CleanSafe, we already start working on helping you to recover fast from your disaster. We offer a free survey with a fixed quote, which covers your specifications and budget, to help you estimate the size of your claim, and the result you’re likely to receive. You can choose when you call us back, and we’ll never hound you for surprise fees later down the line.

For us, we understand that time is the most important thing to keeping your business afloat. The time to recover, the time to work, the time to adjust and the time to react. We want to make sure that the time spent waiting for results is as minimal as possible.

You can see more about our process on our about us page

Even better, we bill insurers directly so you don’t have to. No more waiting around for delayed loss adjusters or lost paperwork, or other procedures that might slow down your return to normality. We work quickly to help get your life back in working order.

According to the Association of British Insurers, £44bm was paid out in 2016 for motor and property claims, and CleanSafe works with the companies who can make this happen. Our services carry £10m public and employee liability insurance, so we’re fully protected and you can rest assured that our business is secure and reliable. From our customer service to our cleaning to our claims assistance, we’re here to help.

If you are intersted and want more information on our services, get in touch with us today email us at [email protected], call us for a free quote at: 0800 668 1268.

Chris Macdonald - Sales Director - SafeGroup
About the author

Chris Macdonald

Chris has strategic responsibility for sales development and major accounts management at SafeGroup. He was a professional footballer with Southampton FC until a series of injuries ended his career while still a teenager. Chris began working as a helpdesk controller for a national FM company in 2004. By 2013 he was its managing director. From there he joined SafeGroup in 2018, bringing with him huge expertise plus the energy, enthusiasm and drive that would have surely made him a success in the Premier League. He does, however, still enjoy playing football.

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